
Koeltebome vir God se genade

Hierdie  kursus help gemeenteleiers om die verskillende spiritualiteitstyle  in hul gemeentes te verstaan en leierskap te gee ten opsigte van uitlewing van die verskillende behoeftes in die gemeente. Volledige handleidings is ontwikkel wat video's insluit om...

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Mission in African Cultures ( MiAC)

Mission in African Cultures (MiAC) Lusaka Justo Mwale Theological Seminary August 2009 Africa needs to be defined- it is not homogenous at all. Since my experience is mainly from Southern Africa my comments should be read as from Southern Africa perspective or to be...

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Mission in Western Culture

Mission in Western Culture project  Vision Allelon’s vision is to cultivate a multi-generational movement of missional leaders to engage questions of mission in Western culture into the future.The International Network on Mission in Western Culture project is...

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Missioscapes and Globalized Modernity

Missioscapes and Globalized ModernitySome Theological Reflections (Questions) on Imagination and Cultural FlowsJannie Swart, Luther Seminary, St Paul MN (November 10, 2007) Background  Given my involvement in Allelon’s Mission in Western Culture Project as a...

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Welkom by Padlangs

Die bedoeling met die blog is om met wie ookal wil in gesprek te tree oor my ervarings met gemeentes soos wat hulle oor my pad kom.  Dikwels sal daar meer vrae wees as antwoorde maar met die bedoeling om gesprek aan die gang te sit. Ek vermoed dit sal meestal...

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