WorshipConference2015 |
Hierdie omvangryke konferensie oor die erediens en liturgie met sy 48 temas wat deur 34 sprekers en predikers aangebied is, se Powerpoint aanbiedings en uitdeelstukke word nou tot almal se beskikking gestel. Kliek op die titel van die aanbieding waarin jy belangstel.
Duane Kelderman_Five Factors in Significant Change South Africa
Duane Kelderman_Wednesday Sermon_Isaiah 43 I Will Be With You South Africa
Duane Kelderman_Tension-What Makes People Listen to a Sermon South Africa
Duane Kelderman_Preaching as Confluence South Africa tabbed
Invovlving Laity in Worship Training Resource_James Nicolson
Involving laity in Worship Profile of a Worship Leader_James Nicolson
Closing Worship_Mary-Ann Plaatjies
Children in Worship-Taking Back the Sanctuary_Debbie vd Laar
Johan Cilliers – SEEING, SIGHING, SIGNING_Preaching Vulnerability
John van de Laar_Participating in Missional Communities
John van de Laar_Reaching Into The Community – Worship and Mission
John van de Laar_Reaching Into The Community (Keynote)
John van de Laar_Technology in Worship (Keynote)
John van de Laar_Technology in Worship
Kevin Williams – Creativity in Worship
Kevin Williams – Taize service – Variatons on a theme
Kevin Williams – The Suggested Design of the Liturgy of a Worship Service (handout)
New Trends and Developments in Preaching – Especially in South Africa
Powerpoint_New Trends and Developments in Preaching – Especially in South Africa
The Social Impact of Liturgy _Thomas Plastow
Singing our Faith Training Resource _James Nicolson
Presenting and Participating in Worship_Andre Bartlett
Praying the Liturgy_Michiel Strauss
Worship and the transformation of public life_Nico Koopman