assist me to proclaimSeries: Library of Religious Biography
John R. Tyson

Eerdmans. 2008

$22.00 Paperback

ISBN: 978-0-8028-2939-9

Kort resensie deur Coenie Burger

Hierdie publikasie van Tyson word besing as die mees gesaghebbende biografie wat tans beskikbaar is oor die lewe van die jonger en minder bekende Wesley-broer, Charles. Saam met sy broer John was hy die stigter van die Modernistiese Beweging en later die Metodiste Kerk. Hoewel sekere groepe sy rustiger prediking bo dié van sy broer verkies het, was hy veral bekend vir sy gesange en liedere. Hy het in die tyd van sy bediening oor die 9000 liedere  geskryf waarvan tussen 300-400 tot vandag nog in gesangeboeke opgeneem word!

Die boek vertel Charles Wesley se verhaal op ‘n baie boeiende manier – van sy kinderdae, sy bekering, sy veldtogdae en sy latere bediening in London. Die waarde van die boek word verhoog deurdat ‘n veelheid van sy liedere in die teks ingebring word op ‘n wyse wat ‘n mens help om te verstaan waar hulle vandaan kom en wat Wesley se eerste bedoeling daarmee was.

Charles Wesley (1707–1788) was the cofounder of Methodism and the author of more than 9,000 hymns and sacred poems, including such favorites as “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing,” “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” and “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.” John Tyson here traces the remarkable life of this influential man from cradle to grave, using rare — including previously unpublished — hymns, letters, and journal materials.
As the younger brother of John Wesley, Charles was a vital partner in the Methodist revival. While often standing in the shadow of his more famous brother, Charles Wesley was arguably the founder of the Oxford Holy Club, and he actually experienced evangelical conversion three days prior to John. In Assist Me to Proclaim Tyson explores, among other things, behind-the-scenes questions about the brothers’ sometimes-stormy relationship.
Notwithstanding all his accomplishments as an evangelist and itinerant preacher, Charles is chiefly remembered for his startling facility at writing hymns that show God at work in almost every instance of life. His remarkable legacy endures around the world, as hundreds of Charles Wesley hymns are still sung in churches everywhere today.
Assist Me to Proclaim draws a picture of a man whose fidelity to both the Church of England and the original vision of Methodism energized his remarkable abilities as a revivalist and hymn writer. Readers also get a glimpse into Wesley’s heart and mind through the window of his hymn texts. This is a biography that any student of church history or hymnody will welcome. (Eerdmans website)