Hy het vir ‘n ruk in Edinburgh, Skotland, klasgegee. Tans is hy hoof van die navorsing in Sistematiese Teologie by Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, in Chicago.
First Theology bevat ‘n aantal opstelle van Vanhoozer, die sentrale tema is God, Skrif en Hermeneutiek – wat tegelyk ook die drie afdelings van die boek is. Die hooftema van sy argument is dat die drie “temas” nooit los van mekaar gebruik behoort te word nie. Dit gaan in die teologie en kerk altyd oor God, maar ons moet oppas om oor God te praat los van die Skrif en hermeneutiek. Die tweede groot gevaar is dat ons oor die Skrif en skrifwaarhede  probeer praat los van God en Christus. Ek waardeer die beklemtoning en dink dit is waar dat van die subtielste maar tegelyk die fataalste ontsporings in die kerk en teologie saamhang met die twee gevare: om oor God los te praat van die Skrif of – dalk meer aktueel vir ons as gereformeerde – om oor die Skrif te praat los van die besef dat dit eintlik gaan om die lewende Christus.

 “This is a book on theological hermeneutics. It is a plea for being hermeneutical about theology and for being theological about hermeneutics. It is an argument for treating the questions of God, Scripture and hermeneutics as one problem. This one problem defines what I call ‘first theology.’ ” (from the Preface)

In thirteen chapters, Kevin Vanhoozer explores various dimensions of doing first theology and illuminates not only how we can talk about God but how we can begin with the Word of God and act on the basis of that Word. Blazing a pathway for recovering the unity of biblical studies and theological reflection, he addresses the challenges presented by the contemporary so-called postmodern situation, especially deconstructionism. Not only does a way of doing God-centered biblical interpretation come to light through Vanhoozer’s explorations, but the triune identity of a God who is communicative, loving and sovereign also comes into focus.

This is a book for students, pastors and teachers who have an interest in the character of God, the nature of Scripture, Christian theology, our approach to hermeneutics and how they are all necessarily interrelated to the glory of God.