fruit of her handsBy Matthew B. Schwartz, Kalman J. Kaplan
Eerdmans. 2007
$15.00 Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-8028-1772-3

Kort resensie deur Coenie Burger

‘n Interessante boek geskryf deur twee Joodse geleerdes oor vroue wie se verhale in die Ou Testament vertel word. Sonder om te pleit vir ‘n terugkeer na vorige tye, is Schwartz en Kaplan van mening dat daar meer genuanseerdheid is in die beeld van vrou-wees wat in die OT geteken word as wat die meeste mense besef.
Hulle vergelyk die Bybelse model van vrou-wees met die tipiese Griekse model en meen dat die Bybelse verhale meer aandag behoort te kry – spesifiek ook in die terapeutiese wetenskappe!

In much of Western literature and Greek mythology, women have an evident lack of purpose; a woman needs to either enter or leave a relationship in order to find herself and her own identity. Matthew Schwartz and Kalman Kaplan set out to prove that the converse is true in the text of the Hebrew Bible. Examining the stories of women in Scripture — Rebecca, Miriam, Gomer, Ruth and Naomi, Lot’s wife, Zipporah, and dozens more — Schwartz and Kaplan illustrate the biblical woman’s strong feminine sense of being crucial to God’s plan for the world and for history, courageously seeking the greatest good for herself and others whatever the circumstances. Empowering, illuminating, and fascinating, The Fruit of Her Hands makes a singular contribution to the fields of biblical and women’s studies. (Eerdmans website)