In this article the pre-Reformation picture concerning six Christian reconciliation rituals is firstly completed, covering the period 500 – 1550 AD. Thereafter the balance concerning the relevance of this information for our current situation is made up. Areas around which reconciliation rituals took shape during the first 1500 years of the history of the Christian liturgy is listed and discussed. When such a diachronic description is confronted with our own actual liturgical praxis concerning reconciliation, a lacunae in our liturgy, as well as the liturgy of this period, becomes apparent. In no way is it being argued for rituals from other times and places to be blindly incorporated into our own liturgy. The pointers abstracted from these old Christian reconciliation rituals, can however compell us to take a fresh look at our own ritual repertoire of reconciliation.  Laai die volledige Afrikaanse artikel hier af.